Develop. Grow. Support.
MOASPA-STL is about developing, growing and supporting Human Resources professionals in the St. Louis region. Our professional learning and networking is aimed at supporting our members as they lead their school districts. We are pleased to develop our members with intentional professional learning, grow them through membership, and support each other and our local communities.
Our goal is to collaborate monthly, engage in rich conversations, strategize with educators and utilize practical information and approaches from HR leaders and consultants from across the state.
Yet, it is essential that we are regularly sharpening our skills because our profession has changed and is continually evolving.
No longer can human resources departments focus on hiring and enforcing district policies. Today, HR professionals are expected to provide tremendous value by contributing to their district in various ways including leading administrators, improving district culture, connecting with the community and continuously improving the district's most prominant resource. . . its staff.
MOASPA-STL is the premier organization for HR administrators in the St. Louis region, and we are driven by developing, growing and supporting our members and communities.
If MOASPA-STL can be a resource to you or your district, pelase do not hesistate to contact us!
- Rodney
Rodney Lewis, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
City of St. Charles School District
President, MOASPA-STL
Phone: 636-485-8213
Email: rlewis@stcharlessd.org