Greetings from the Kansas City Metropolitan Area!
Our chapter, known as MOASPA-KC, is composed of school districts and college representatives from both Missouri and Kansas. You will find that MOASPA-KC is a welcoming and collegial group - members believe in supporting each other in our unique but critical functions! The structure of MOASPA-KC is informal and flexible. There are no member dues.
We plan to meet once a quarter and encourage everyone to attend our state MOASPA and National AASPA conferences.
If you would like to be informed of our activities, reach out to our Communications Director to get added to our mailing list.
We look forward to seeing you!
President, Chris McCann, chris.mccann@nkcschools.org
President-Elect, Ashley Jones, jonesa@platteco.k12.mo.us
Communications Director, Christelle Morgan, christelle.morgan@lps53.org
Council Members
David Carlson, david.carlson@lsr7.net
Lisa Hatfield, lisa.hatfield@raypec.org
Tony Robinson, tony_robinson@isdschools.org
Zach mcMains, mcmainsz@ksdr1.net
Leah Copeland, leah.copeland@lps53.org